Athens 1917 Benaki Museum Nike1
The guard at the Temple of Athena Nike 27.6.1917 | © SPCA / ECPAD

ATHENS 1917 an exhibition at the Benaki Museum

Where: Benaki Museum, Pireos St Annex
When: On now – 12 November 2017
Why Go: Insights into Athens 100 years ago

The Benaki Museum presents rare visual material taken 100 years ago of Athens. Archives from the French School of Athens have been compiled and presented for the first time. Compelling imagery taken in 1917 depicts what daily life in Athens would have been like a century ago.

  • Athens 1917 Benaki Museum Ancient AgoraA herd of cattle in front of the Temple of Hephaestus. © SPCA / ECPAD
  • Athens 1917 Benaki Museum PsirriGrape vendor on Karaiskaki Street, Psiri | © SPCA / ECPAD
  • Athens 1917 Benaki Museum AcropolisCamp at the Parthenon on the Acropolis
  • Athens 1917 Benaki Museum Philopappos hillThe Acropolis from the eastern end of Pnyx Hill | © la culture(France)/MAP/Diffusion RMN-GP
  • Athens 1917 Benaki Museum Pandrousou StreetShoe sellers on Pandrossou Street. In the background, the Tzisdarakis Mosque | © SPCA / ECPAD
  • Athens 1917 Benaki MuseumCamp in the sanctuary of Dionysus August 1917 | © SPCA / ECPAD
  • Athens 1917 Benaki Museum NikeThe guard at the Temple of Athena Nike 27.6.1917 | © SPCA / ECPAD

Numerous still and moving images were captured by the photographic service of the allied expeditionary forces who were operating in the Balkans during the First World War.


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